MSW Sports Village Midweek Track Sessions

As the nights drew in and the clocks changed the bi-weekly training sessions at Shrewsbury Sports Village became very busy and our coaches were policemen rather than coaches. The committee have therefore have had to implement the following through November and until the National Trophy Cyclo Cross on December 11th, to keep the track a safe place and to protect and support our coaches.
Tuesday 7 – 8 pm: MSW Session with preference to Family Groups
Coach supported session
Maximum no. of riders: 60
Maximum speed: 20 mph (32 km/h)
Preference to MIDS riders with preferential sign on until 6.55. At 6.55 other club riders may sign on, up to circuit limit of 60 riders. First come first served.
Tuesday 8 – 9 pm: Open Session
Non Coached session
No Speed Limit
Riders can do both Tuesday sessions if they wish to have a longer session but mindful of the 20mph limit of the 7 – 8pm session
Thursday 7 – 8 pm: MSW Club Coach Led Session
Each session will have a session plan drawn up by Paul Kempster according to the conditions on the night.
The session is for Adult and Youth A & B with other riders invited based on ability and discussed prior to the session with Paul Kempster.
Limit to be decided on the night based on track and weather conditions by the coaching team.
Preference to MIDS riders with preferential sign on until 6.55. At 6.55 other club riders may sign on, up to the session limit. First come first served.
At the end of November/early December we will invite feedback from coaches and members and plan sessions to start after the Christmas and New Year Holidays.
There will be no evening sessions after the National Trophy cyclo-cross event on Sunday 11th December until Christmas and New Year Holidays.
Sessions will restart in January. Updates will be posted here and on our Facebook page.