BoingZone MSW Kids Party

Last chance to book kids onto the December 19th BoingZone trip organised by Sally White is Monday 12th December. Contact Sally via the Mid Shropshire Wheelers Membership Facebook Closed Group if you want to join in.

Midland Region Cyclo Cross Championships

The Midlands Cyclo Cross Championships took place at the bleak, very cold and windy Darley Moor Motor Racing Circuit on Sunday 4th December. A smaller number of Mids than normal made the journey to this non-West Mids League counting event but in sunny yet bitterly cold conditions the riders did well. Three bronze medal positions […]

Flashback to January

Ahead of this coming weeks preparation for the National Cyclo Cross Series Final, get into the Cyclo Cross mood with this great video of what the club achieved in January 2016.

Ride Leader Training

The Ride Leadership Award Level 1 course trains up confident and competent recreational cyclists to lead groups on the road in a safe and enjoyable manner, set mainly in urban environments. The assessed one-day course qualifies you to deliver guided bike rides for groups of beginner and intermediate level adults and accompanied children on roads […]

Huge field for Cyclo Cross December 11th

Almost 500 riders are confirmed for the final round of the British Cycling National Cyclo Cross Series taking place at Shrewsbury Sports Village on Sunday December 11th. Racing starts at 10am and it’s free to spectate with Drink Up and Podium Catering providing great food and drink, why not make a day of it. Pictured […]

National Cyclo Cross Series Final – Dec 11th 2016

  Once again the Mids have been chosen to host another high profile event at the Shrewsbury Sports Village. Following on from the 2 day National Cyclo Cross Championships in January 2016 the cream of British Cyclo Cross talent will take on a select group of Europeans hoping to grab World ranking prior to the […]

MSW Sports Village Midweek Track Sessions

As the nights drew in and the clocks changed the bi-weekly training sessions at Shrewsbury Sports Village became very busy and our coaches were policemen rather than coaches. The committee have therefore have had to implement the following through November and until the National Trophy Cyclo Cross on December 11th, to keep the track a safe place […]